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Category V - Water Law, Institutions & Policy

Funded 2007-2008

Assessing the Effectiveness of California's Underground Storage Tank Annual Inspection Rate Requirements
W. Bowman Cutter, Department of Environmental Sciences, UC Riverside

Securing Access to Water: Institutional Strategies for Coping with Drought and Water Scarcity (pdf)
Ronnie D. Lipschutz, Department of Politics, UC Santa Cruz

Integrated Regional Water Management Planning in California: Developing Institutions for Collective Action (pdf)
Mark Lubell, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, UC Davis

Enforcement-Driven Financing of Water Quality in California: The Case of Supplemental Environmental Projects (pdf)
Daniel Press, Environmental Studies Department, UC Santa Cruz

Funded 2005-2006

The Politics and Practice of Watershed Restoration: Insights from the Russian River Watershed, Northern California (pdf)
Jeff Romm, Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, UC Berkeley
G. Mathias Kondolf, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, UC Berkeley
Adina Merenlender, Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, UC Berkeley

Funded 2004-2005

An Economic Analysis of Groundwater Nitrate Pollution Control in Dairy-Intensive Watersheds (pdf)
Kenneth Baerenklau, Environmental Sciences, UC Riverside

Funded 2001-2002

Economic Incentive and Policies to Improve Water Quality in a Binational Watershed
Linda Fernandez, Environmental Sciences, UC Riverside

Voluntary Compliance Versus Mandatory Sanctions: A Natural Experiment in Water Quality Regulation (pdf) 
Paul Sabatier, Environmental Science and Policy, UC Davis 

Funded 2000-2001

Negotiating Contentious Claims to Water: Shifting Institutional Dynamics for the Allocation of Water Between the Eel and Russian River Basins
J. Keith Gilless, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley

Multilateral Negotiations, Coalition Formation and California Water Policy
Rachael Goodhue, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis
Gordon Rausser, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley
Leo Simon, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley

Funded 1999-2000

Mechanisms for Addressing Third-Party Impacts from Voluntary Water Transfers 
Richard E. Howitt, Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis

An Integrated Modeling Framework for Analyzing Wetland Policies: Balancing Ecosystem Services and Economic Factors (pdf)
Marca Weinberg, Dept. of Environmental Science & Policy, UC Davis